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February 17, 2025

Here’s how coronavirus pandemic put poker back on its primary leading position

coronavirus pandemic put poker back

Check out how Covid-19 turned poker market at the top position in gambling world. See why websites like pokerace99 became the most opened casino platforms for the last couple of weeks.

The end of the global Covid-19 might be close or at least we’ve got a hope for such a progress in the crisis. However, there will be pandemic consequences that might last and continue for a longer time we think. Apart from the socialization we will have to repair in future, there are, though, positive things for a couple of economy spheres. As a gambler, you might suggest what we are talking about.

Of course, online casinos are among the winners during the self-isolation period on the planet. And naturally, trustworthy websites like pokerace99 have registered a rise of both – the monthly income and the number of the officially registered new players. But there are some specific trends that have been noticed during this rise of online gambling in the coronavirus pandemic crises.

By all means, one of the most spectacular among them is the fact that poker has come back. We don’t actually claim that poker was forgotten before the pandemic situation. On the contrary, poker players have been always there and poker game has been always one of the most preferred online casino game (and offline, too, by the way). However, in the quarantine period, poker gambling has become number 1 activity in internet casino. It used to be long time ago as a trend. And today, the poker industry has been experiencing it over and over again.

Apart from that, we should also mention the sports bookmakers. Some of them managed not to register any losses. And it’s a thing we should definitely appreciate, because there we are actually no sport events. These companies have been flexible and smart. They compensated the stayed at home players with more virtual football bets and cool eSport events. And in addition to these, the bookmakers even expanded their casino sections. Of course, not all of the betting houses had such, but we even saw cases, when an entirely sports-oriented gambling operator invested money in building brand new casino categories.

There’s something else we should mention about the poker rise during the quarantine time. A lot of the most profitable and reliable casinos in the internet registered a huge progress of poker game at the expense of the slots. That’s totally amazing, because for the last couple of years slot machines in the internet have progressively going to the number 1 chart position leaving poker games quite behind. Today, poker gamblers are not just more and more active. It seems that they have been always there, but woke up when the virus came. There’s only one conclusion we can make about this trend. Poker players seem to need more time to spend in gambling. And that’s why they made a quick return on the market the moment they received more time at home for casino experience.

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